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Comic the shallows of Kabul

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Comic the shallows of Kabul
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • So that's what happened... shit, we have to get out of this country, it's our only hope; so listen carefully…… The plan will be to hide in a caravan transporting food from Pakistan to Kabul for the taliban. But we will need to carry guns for our safety
  • Yes, I escaped from prison, but at what cost, the death of my parents, all because I wanted to protect myself.
  • Everything would get worse, after the escape I got lost, and after walking for an eternity, there was no more water and food. I thought that was my end, but…
  • Parents, I've done it!
  • My uncle found me passed out in the desert, she saved me and after telling her what had happened we decided to run away together
  • On the border with Pakistan, a small error on the part of the vigilantes stopped us, and made the silence the king, that together with the rising tension drove a man to madness, so he went out and fired his gun.
  • For the first time in my life, I felt the fear of death, accepted my death, and ran with all my strength to the border, I crossed, I looked at the sky and I said
  • Ama's body sank slowly, between a sea of ​​blood and tears
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