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Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Austin finally finished his letter soon he would send it to all his friends in Texas 
  • I finally finished now all of Texas will be aware
  • Santa Anna we have intercepted a letter from Mr Austin
  • little did Austin know that his letter would be intercepted by Santa Anna himself, and when he received the letter he was outraged
  • go get this man and put him in prison for treason 
  • what happened! Where am I?!?
  • Austin was thrown in jail but when he gets out, and he will, Texas and Mexico would never be the same
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة