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Constitutional Convention

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Constitutional Convention
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Independence Hall
  • There it is Independence hall
  • Who participated?
  • 55 men arrived as delegates and they elected George Washington to preside the meeting
  • hello i'm George Washington and I was chosen to preside the meetings
  • A meeting to change the Articles of confederation to make the federal government stronger
  • What was the Constitutional Convention?
  • Now the federal government is stronger
  • May 1787
  • When was the Constitutional Convention?
  • Wow such a pretty May day
  • Farmers who fought for independence could not pay their debts and lost their farms. They got punished and inspired a rebellion
  • Bye farm animals I can't pay my dept
  • Why did the Constitutional Convention take place?
  • Constitutional Convention
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