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نص القصة المصورة

  • yes sir! the rate of flow of electric charges is known as electric current.
  • class do u know anything about electric current?
  • Resistance is the property of the conductor to resist the flow of current.
  • Sir I have a doubt, what is resistance?I heard it from my brother.
  •  Resistance is used to manipulate the current in the circuit as some appliances need more or less current
  • But does it have any uses?
  •  OK class. Todays topic is magnetic field . Do you know what is magnetic effect of current ?
  • Yes sir . A current flowing in a wire produces a magnetic field around it . This is called magnetic effect of current .
  •  It is a rotating machine which converts electrical energy to mechanial energy .
  • Sir I want to know what is electric motor ?
  • Appliances like fan , washing machine , mixers , etc.
  • electric motor is used in what appliances ?
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