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Super Aiden Catches a Thief

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Super Aiden Catches a Thief
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Super Aiden
  • I wonder if any bud guys will be out today?
  • The Escape
  • Hey! Get back here!
  • Catch me if you can, hehe!
  • Catching up!
  • If I want to hit the ground with a force of 100N and knowing that gravity is 9.8 m/s2, then I need to make my mass 10.2 kg, because mass=force/acceleration.
  • Aiden was a kid with super powers. He had the ability to control his mass. His mom as a Physic's teacher, and taught him a lot about how motion in the world works. Aiden used his understanding of Physics help him use his powers.
  • Aiden noticed a officer chasing a suspect down the street. He also noticed that they were both running at the same speed. Aiden realized that the officer would never catch the suspect if they are going the same speed because their distance apart would never change.
  • Because Aiden was high up on a building, he decided that he would use gravity to help him catch up to the suspect. He didn't want to hit the ground with a large force so he decided to adjust him mass to make himself lighter.
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