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culiacán's girlfriend

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culiacán's girlfriend
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Daddy look, Culiacan's girlfriend
  • Here lies lupita, Culiacan's girlfriend, my daughter
  • Lupita, culiacan's girlfriend
  • The days passed and Lupita never resigned herself to the death of Jesus, so she could be seen walking the streets dressed as a bride
  •  Even on Sundays he went to Mass wearing his already torn and dirty dress imploring our Lord to return him to his great love.
  • It was 30 years since Lupita wandered the streets of the small municipality until in 1980 she died, leaving a great emptiness among the inhabitants of the town who had already taken some affection to the famous "girlfriend of Culiacán".
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة