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Baddie illness

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Baddie illness
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • HAHAAA look at you on the ground you little rat!
  • I feel weird…
  • Gregoria is shown harassing and bullying her fellow classmate and seems to enjoy tormenting them.
  • Gregoria starts to feel a little woozy.
  • Everyone says I look like Benjamin Button….
  • Gregoria passes out in the middle of the mall, everybody is in shock and is worried.
  • Gregoriawakes up in the hospital and is told she has a rare illness. this illness causes hair loss and complete teeth decay.
  • She goes back into school and everyone bullies her.
  • She finally realizes that beauty and popularity are not that great. And she realizes that her personality has shown through her appearance.
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