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cassandra-Mexican-American civil war

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cassandra-Mexican-American civil war
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • hey have you heard of the civil war?
  • yeah, and how Mexican-Amerian's contributed
  • this was were soldiers slept when they were battling because they were far from home
  • wow I cant believe they left their home to fight
  • some joined the union and others joined the confederate states
  • but why would they separate?
  • well some mexican-American's wanted slavery to be over but others didn't
  • hey can i join you
  • some even switch side from the confederate states to the union or the opposite
  • wow, really?
  • yeah sure
  • and that's how it went.
  • wow, that was an awesome story
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