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India Caste system storyboard

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India Caste system storyboard
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نص القصة المصورة

  • IndiaStoryboardBy:HarrisonTippett
  • Brahmins
  • Brahmins jobs include being priests and some educators or lawmakers.
  • Brahmins are the highest Caste in India. They are also the most respected caste in India.
  • Kshatriyas
  • Kshatriyas jobs include being warriors and fighters.
  • 20% of India's population.The second to last caste
  • Vaishyas jobs include agriculture, giving gifts, trading, and breeding.They are not allowed to learn the Vedas. The Vaishyas are usually vegetarien.
  • Vaishyas
  • Shudras
  • Shudras jobs include being peasants and artisans.The lowest caste of the caste system. They have no privileges or rights
  • Dalits
  • Dalits jobs include gross jobs such as cleaning toilets.Not an actual part of the caste system.Looked down upon by society.
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