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States of matter

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States of matter
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I left water in the freezer for 10 minutes and it has already turned solid ice!
  • Bro, how does water turn to ice?
  • Water is a Liquid and ice is a solid. Liquids and solids can change to each other in either way. They are both called states. Liquids become solids when frozen.
  • Woah, interesting.I've noticed that water which is liquid, takes the shape of any container it is in. When the water freezes, the solid is the shape of the container.
  • Liquid can be frozen to create solid, and evaporation of liquids creates gas.
  • Yep, also liquids are imcompressible, which means it can't be successfully pressed together without spilling.
  • Oh I learnt about  evaporation in class the other day.
  • Yes , evaporation is the process of liquid becoming gas. Gas has no shape nor volume.
  • Solids have definite shape and volume and can be easily compressed....
  • A solid; for example, ice melts to become liquid
  • What about solids?
  • Look at that! The ice has melted to water. Thanks for explaining bro
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