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Newton's first law of motion

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Newton's first law of motion
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Uhm, Christine have you ever study about Newton's first law of motion?
  • Yes why?
  • Can you give me some application and importance of it in our daily life?
  • Sure i'll give you 3 examples of application of newton's first law of motion
  • First is the book on the table stays in place unless it is disloged.
  • Next, the blood rushes from our head to our feet as it quickly stops when we ride the descending elevator
  • Lastly, when we are riding skateboard, we fly forward when we hit a rock or anything else that suddenly stops the skateboard
  • Wow! Thank you Christine for that wonderful information. You helped me a lot.
  • You're welcome!
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