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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I've been born to free mankind from suffering 
  • Your son will be a religious leader
  • You can not leave the palace
  • Siddhartha is born able to walk and talk. Some say his birth was a miraculous event. He was born as a prince and would have an important future. After he was born he took seven steps from his mothers side and lotus flowers grew. His mother had a dream that white elephants appeared as a sign of greatness.
  • Siddhartha's father Suddhodana is told by a seer that one day his son will become a great king lor great sage and saviour of humanity and wanted him to become a king just like himselfn. Makes the decision to keep all pain and suffering hidden from his son.
  • Siddhartha's father doesn't let him leave the palace for many years. He is hidden from anything in the world that would convince him to try and make a change (death and sickness)
  • Siddhartha finally leaves the palace for the first time and is now an adult. This is after getting married and having a child. He sees a corpse, sick and old man, everything his father tried to protect him from. He sees a homeless monk, who looks happy despite everything he does or doesn't have.
  • Siddhartha decides to leave his wife and child to join the monks. He meditates and tries to think of a way to end the suffering of the world. He only eats seeds that fall into his lap.
  • Siddhartha decides that the cause of peoples suffering is to end desire. He comes up with the idea of the eight fold path and the four noble truths. This is the start of Buddhism.
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