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smart refrigerator

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smart refrigerator
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Oh gosh! How can I manage this fridge? I don't know how many items are remaining in fridge?
  • Ranjith, What's your problem? You are not responding my call and messages?
  • Sorry, Maya. I will be busy in my study and my friend used my grocery from the fridge. Actually I don't know what is there in the fridge? I am totally stuck in this problem.
  • Soniya has also the same problem, finally she ordered smart fridge which solves her problem. Why can't you try smart fridge?
  • Oh really, how does it work? Have you any idea about this?
  • By using smart fridge, you can scan the item and make a list of each item. In future it helps to know the stock of the grocery.
  • That sounds cool! But may be difficult to handle the smart fridge. Right Maya!
  • Don't Worry, Ranjith! There is so many features in it. It will make your lifestyle easier .
  • Thanks Maya, for solving my problems. Right now I will discuss about smart fridge with my friends.
  • Yeah! I got this now. Bye. Have a great time, Maya.
  • Smart people always uses smart technology. Ok bye, Ranjith. I will see you later.
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