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geography landforms

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geography landforms
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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • landforms
  • land forms : are moutains lakes and volcanos
  • landscape
  • landscape : deserts, rain forest and coast
  • enviromental
  • enviromental is places were people choose to live
  • a natural feature of the Earth's surface, for example a mountain, valley, lowland or volcano
  • fault
  • layers of the eath
  • section of the Earth's surface made up of a variety of natural or man-made geographical features.
  • weathering
  • materal of eath
  • specific place on Earth and all the living and non- living elements that are there
  • Erosion:
  • transport of materails
  • Fault: a separation or crack in the layers of the Earth’s crust caused by stress and movement of Earth’stectonic plates.
  • Weathering: The physical or chemical breakdown of materials into smaller materials
  • the wearing down, transportation and deposition of material by water, wind and ice
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