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Caste System

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Caste System
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Caste SystemCharleighHughes
  • BrahminsPriestTeachers
  • Brahmins is the highest caste. Many Brahmin live in temples.
  • KshatriyasWarriorsRulers
  • 20% of India’s population is within the Kshatriyas Caste.Decisions of the Kshatriyas can be overturned by the Brahmins.
  • Vaishyas are known as the common people. They keep the economy of India running.
  • VaishyasFarmersTraders
  • ShudrasLaborerMaid
  • Shudra were peasants and serfs. They were not allowed access to the same temples as the upper caste.
  • Untouchables perform jobs no one else wants to do. They are so low that they do not fit on the caste system.
  • UntouchablesStreet sweepersLatrine cleaners
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