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Epic Hero

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Epic Hero
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Some time after Theseus killed the minotaur, he and Princess Ariadne got married and lived together in Theseus' palace
  • But one day, when Princess Ariadne was chilling on the gardens, her father (King Minos) sneaked into the palace and kidnapped her.
  • HELP!
  • King Minos took Princess Ariadne to his castle and she was trapped there, but she found a pigeon, so she send a message to Theseus.
  • Tell Theseus that I've been kidnapped by my father and where I am.
  • After Theseus received the message, he went to rescue her with the intention of killing King Minos.
  • I'm gonna kill him!
  • When Theseus arrived, he found King Minos and killed him from behind.
  • .
  • When Theseus found Ariadne, they were both very relieved, and then they returned to their palace in Athens
  • .
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