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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Lily's mother explained what had happened to both Ralph and Max. All the O'Keefe were very upset, except Lily who had not yet woken up
  • They discussed how to tell Lily that Cooper is missing. 
  • No! You're just playing a cruel joke on me!
  • The O'Keefes began to tell Lily what happened to Cooper. She refused to believe their story and went to search for Cooper.
  • Denial
  • COOPER!!!
  • Lily searched, far and wide to find Cooper.
  • COOPER! Come here buddy!
  • Cooper where are you!!!
  • Sadly, Cooper was no where to be found.
  • Pain
  • Bargaining
  • "I thought you were joking. I can't believe Cooper is gone!"
  • Lily goes back inside to be held my her mother. She falls down to the ground in tears.
  • These pancakes will should help Lily calm down and go back to sleep.
  • Lily's Mother goes into the kitchen to make chocolate chip pancakes. They're Lily's favorite. 
  • "After you eat these, let's try to go back to bed to sleep for a little."
  • Dear God,I will do every chore and be the best behaved kid if you can bring my Cooper back please. I love him.
  • The next day, Lily was very sad. She did not want to draw or play outside.
  • Depression
  • "No thanks."
  • "Why don't you go play outside, it's a very nice day?"
  • Later that day, the O'Keefe family planned a special memorial for Cooper.
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