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Interview: Living with Brain Trauma

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Interview: Living with Brain Trauma
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I. Title Sequence
  • Title Sequence goes here
  • II. Intro/Creating a Session
  • III. Interface Walk-through
  • This will be the title sequence - it will include the topic and class information.
  • IV. Importing Assets
  • First scene will open with Premiere Pro opened to the dashboard window. From there, the viewer will be guided through creating a session to work in.
  • V. Creating a Timeline
  • The narrator will walk the viewer through the layout and panels associated with navigating a session.
  • VI. Conclusion and End Credits
  • The narrator will walk through how to import assets while keeping mindful of file management inside and outside the program.
  • The narrator will explain how to create a timeline and place assets on that timeline.
  • Summation of tutorial and end credits.
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