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American Revolution vs French Revolution

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American Revolution vs French Revolution
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نص القصة المصورة

  • A.R.
  • American and French Revolutions
  • F.R.
  • Reason for conflict:A.R.- caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies F.R.-The financial strain of servicing old debt and the excesses of the current royal court caused dissatisfaction with the monarchy
  • F.R-Impact on society, including religionA.R.-The American Revolution produced a new outlook among its people that would have ramifications long into the future. F.R.-It unified and increased the power of the national state.
  • Actions & events leading to revolution:F.R.-The Tennis Court Oath, Storming of the Bastille, Abolition of Feudalism A.R.-Sugar Act, Currency Act,Stamp Act
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