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Invasive Species

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Invasive Species
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Well Fred, Luke and I were doing research on the creatures that are in places where they don't belong, the invasive species.
  • Yes, and we were wondering "how do these creatures get to all these places anyway?
  • Well, look at that. If it isn't Zoboo and Luke. What can I do for you today.
  • Well, there are a few ways.
  • Fred: Some were stowaways on ships that travelled around the world.
  • Zoboo & Luke: Those "fishy" little guys.
  • Fred & Luke: What?
  • Fred: Some were illegally kept as pets but got loose.
  • Zoboo: oh, uhhhh...
  • Zoboo: N-Nothing. I-I totally d-didn't get my sons a pet wild snake and spider for their birthdays. Not at all. He he...
  • WHAT!!
  • Zoboo: OK OK, moving on please.
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