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Early Battles

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Early Battles
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Battle of Long Island
  • Battle of Trenton
  • Battle of Princeton
  • Washington was forced to retreat from the larger stronger, and better equipped British. This was absolutely one of the biggest of the Americans Revolution and gave the British a hold over New york.
  • Battle of Brandywine
  • George Washington crossed the Delaware frozen River and had a surprise attack on
  • Battle of Saratoga
  • The other Troops surrendered which gave George Washington himself a win
  • Battle of Summary
  • It was one of the Largest and the Longest conflicts/Arguments of the war. It ended Temporarily the American Winning Streak, but only for a little bit.
  • Major turning point in the American Revolution, It was persuaded the French, Spanish and Dutch to join the war. Major win for the Patriots
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