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The Iranian Revolution

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The Iranian Revolution
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نص القصة المصورة

  • We don't like that-
  • Hey! Everybody has to do what I say! No more of these protests!
  • Enough is enough! The Shah's rule is not working! Khomeini is the one we need!
  • I'm getting out of here!
  • Finally, I can show my country that Islam is the best way for everyone!
  • Iranians thought that the Shah's rule only brought prosperity to the rich, and this gave Khomeini more support. So, "As protests spread, the shah became more authoritarian and repressive"
  • Together, we will have Islam lead our people once again
  • And make a better government than the Shah's
  • But when Khomeini's son was assassinated and he accused the shah's forces, it became too much.
  • Wait, why do I have to wear this?
  • Hey, I don't want to have to do this ritual every day!
  • I don't care what you think. Islam is the best way and you have to follow it.
  • The Shah fled to Egypt, and Khomeini came back to take charge
  • In conclusion, Khomeini's Iranian Revolution disrupted the Shah's progressive autocracy, replacing it with his conservative, fundamentalist, Islamic Republic
  • With the help of his associate, Mostafa Chamran, who trained anti-shah militants, Khomeini established his Islamic republic
  • Khomeini took full religious and political power, making the traditions of Islam rule people's lives. "Every aspect of girls' and women's lives became controlled by the state""[Khomeini's] government eventually became as repressive as that of the shah"
  • The End
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