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Allyson's Profession

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Allyson's Profession
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hi! My name is Allyson Jones but everyone calls me Ally. Come with me!
  • Can you see back there? Jackson is a nurse  and is organizing his sector.
  • Hello! Nice to meet you. Yes! This sector today is mine.
  • I'm a doctor. This is where I work.
  • I'm very grateful to Dr. Jones. Look at him, he's so cute!
  • This is my patient, Jessie. I delivered her.
  • Here is our laboratory. We do research oursealves to improve health. But be careful, here are many bacteria that we studied.
  • Unfortunately our tour is over! Next time, bring your friends to know more about the hospital. Take care!
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