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The Trojan war

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The Trojan war
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Off to get Helen
  • The prediction
  • we are dead....
  • Paris Vs Menelaus
  • Paris heads off to take Helen away from Menelaus.
  • No escape now 
  • you cant penetrate his armor.
  • How???
  • Hector and Achilles both had a feeling that they would die before troy was ever taken.
  • The Giant war horse
  • the 2 sides allowed Paris and Menelaus to fight alone and Paris threw the first strike.
  • The Beginning to the End 
  • Menelaus struck Paris but his armor was un pierced, he soon realized that he's been tricked and he was not leaving this fight alive.
  • Troy and Odysseus wanted a way to get into the gates while bringing in tons of his people as well so he had a skillful worker in wood fashion a giant wooden horse on wheels that can fit a number of his men.
  • while the Greeks stormed troy Andromache still had her son and was directed to throw him off the remaining wall of troy. shortly after Troy has fallen and the Greeks had won. Troy was now a pile of ash and flames.
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