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Chapter 7: Storyboarding the death scene

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Chapter 7: Storyboarding the death scene
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Agreement
  • You must kill the man who called you father.
  • I got it, I want be coward man.
  • Deep Forest
  • I'll bring you home
  • Killing Situation
  • The elder villagers at Umuofia decided that Okonkwo must kill the man from another village who called him just like his real father and this also agreed by the oracle.
  • Okonkwo plan the situation well but before that he really need to take the time on his own mind because deeply he doesn't want to Ikemefuna but he must do it because he doesn't want his clansmen to look at him like a weak man like his father and that is his biggest fear.
  • Okonkwo brings Ikemefuna into forest by tell him that he will bring him home and meet his family. During that Ikemefuna think Okonkwo will help him out of the bad situation but it turns out that Okonkwo is the one who kill Ikemefuna by his own.
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