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Literary Conflict

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Literary Conflict
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Character v. Self When a character's own personal flaws, fears, or issues are the main source of conflict in a story.
  • Friends, Family, and Teachers. Thank you for gathering here today.
  • Don't throw up! Don't throw up! Just breathe! Imagine everyone in their underwear! Oh no, oh no, oh no--I can feel the vomit coming!
  • Women can vote for themselves!
  • Character v. Group/Society When a character's primary conflict is between her/himself and society, culture, or a large group. 
  • Votes 4 women
  • All women deserve the right to vote!
  • Votes 4 women
  • Hmph. Do your husbands know where you are?
  • Go on home to your kitchens where you belong.
  • To identify conflict in a story, ask yourself: Who or what are the forces that are opposing or in conflict with the main character(s)? Where is the conflict ACTUALLY happening?
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