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storyboard activity

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storyboard activity
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • two types of societies throughout this region
  • Asia mainly consisted of agricultural and trading societies.
  • What expanded after trade emerged?
  • Trade grew when Asia was separated.
  • What was the biggest trade commodity?
  • Spices, they had a rise in demand.
  • Where did people live?
  • Aristocrats lived in major cities and everyone else lived other places.
  • what where the roles of women in thes society?
  • Women worked with men in the feilds, they had more rights than women did in India and other parts of China.
  • Was there an important piece of architecture
  • Buddhism was the main religion in the area.
  • Thom, the of Ankor Wat took 40 years to complete.
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