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Judges Comic

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Judges Comic
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Israelites are enslaved by the Philistines
  • God will give you and your son strength, but you both must take a Nazarite vow
  • "You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son," Angel of the Lord, Judges 13:3
  • Samson, "Isn't there an acceptable woman... among our people?" Judges 14:3
  • I want to marry this Philistine woman
  • Later, on a trip to see his fiance
  • By killing the lion he touches it and breaks part of the Nazirite vow
  • I have a riddle, if you can guess it, I will give you linens and clothing, if not, you must pay me
  • This is too difficult!
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