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Ground Zero Reshmina

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Ground Zero Reshmina
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • What!?
  • Pasoon stops Reshmina from talking to the Americans and tells her that when they leave that the Taliban are going to be waiting to surprise attack which worries Reshmina.
  • Reshmina, after the battle walked along the fields practicing her English when she stumbled upon a still alive body on the ground who was blinded due to the attack. Reshmina was going to leave him but then he heard her step on a stick or some think so he pleaded for her to help him (this part kind of made me feel bad for him :c) and due to some rule in what they believed in she had to help him even though she could have brought vengeance if she hadn't let him know she was there. So she helped him by leading him back to her house where she was then taken inside so his family would help him.
  • Help me please...
  • Pasoon sees the American is in their house and Reshmina and the others are taking care of him so he storms out the house saying he wasgoing to tell the Taliban
  • After Pasoon rushes out of the house Reshminas goes out to do her chores thinking he would come back but then she finds his toy is gone and the sheep or goats were not fed upon the hill. So Reshmina goes after him knowing what he was going to try and do.
  • I must go after him!
  • Reshmina find Pasoon but he is already running towards the Taliban but thenan American Helicopter comes and starts to shoot at the Taliban for revenge. So Reshmina and Pasoon hide behind a big rock I think and luckily when they were found when Reshmina was hanging half off the cliff nearby the helicopter didn't shoot which would maybe show Pasoon Americans aren't as bad. 
  • Pasoon no!
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