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Warriors Don't Cry: Chapter 5

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Warriors Don't Cry: Chapter 5
Storyboard That

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القصة المصورة الوصف

Created by: Sheila Phan

نص القصة المصورة

  • Chapter 5
  • I'm sorry you can't go to the matches with me, they are too dangerous.
  • Chapter 5
  • I want you to be my girlfriend.
  • Girlfriend?
  • Chapter 5
  • Melba was told that it would be too dangerous if she went with her grandma to the matches. She held back tears because she promised grandma that she would't cry.
  • Chapter 5
  • We have a right to go to that school..
  • The next day while Melba was at church, Vince walked up to her and told Melba that he wanted her to be his girlfriend.
  • Chapter 5
  • The next day Melba was able to meet Thurgood Marshall at a meeting and she thought he was very positive and had a great attitude!
  • Chapter 5
  • Yes,but only if...
  • After the meeting Melba was crowded with reporters and she felt really great because the reporters were really sweet and seemed like geniune people.
  • Miss how do you feel about going back to Central?
  • Melba wrote in her diary and she put that today was the first day that today is the first day that she felt equal to white people because the reporters were really nice to her.
  • As Melba daydreamed about being Vince's girlfriend, she was finally able to ask grandma and mother for their permission to date. They both agreed to a certain condition and Melba was very happy!
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