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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I believe that we should not have War 
  • I agree War will do nothing but cause problems for the both of us.
  •  President Harry Truman July 17, of 1945  had a conversation with Stalin about trying to work out the terms of the end of World War 2. But no loger after they found out it was not going to work and was ready to start a War called The Cold War
  • The Korean War, was fought between North Korea & South Korea from the 1950 and lasted until  1953, the war began on 25 of June 1950  when North Korea invaded the South Korea.When some 75,000 soldiers from the North  Korean people's army flooded across the 38th parallel, 2.5 millions people lost their lives. 
  • The Vietnam War started on November 1, 1955  and lasted until April 30 of 1975.  It was between the communist armies of  North Vietnam who  were supported by the Chinese  and the South  Vietnam who supported the United States .
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