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نص القصة المصورة

  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Hello!
  • Falling Action 
  • Salva is kicked out of the refugee camp he is located at by soldiers. The soldiers shoot at them and force them towards the Gilo river, which was famous for crocodiles. Salva was one of the few of thousands that survived. After they escape the river, he heads to a refugee camp in Kenya.
  • Falling Action
  • Salva goes to Rochester New York from the Kenya refugee camp. At the airport,he meets his new family the Moore's. The Moore's are very kind to him and help him learn English. In Salvas new home, there is electricity in every building, and every road is paved! Salva is very grateful to be in Rochester.
  • Resolution
  • Salva learns that his father is alive at a hospital in Uganda. His father had gotten sick from drinking contaminated water and now had a disease. Salva travels to Uganda to see his father. His father tells him that his mother and one brother are still alive in Loun-Arik. His youngest and oldest brother died though. Salva is overjoyed to know his mother,father and one brother are alive. He is also very sad about losing 2 of his brothers though.
  • Salva speaks to crowds to help fund his project for South Sudan. He is nervous at first, but gains confidence the more he speaks. After a few years Salva starts his project: Digging Wells for villages in South Sudan to give them fresh water so they don't get sick like his father.
  • Salvas project for South Sudan is to help people without clean water. Salva goes to south Sudan for 6 months a year building wells for the people in Sudan. Salva usually builds them for the Dinka,since that was his tribe but he also builds wells for other tribes such as the Nuer which is Nya's tribe.
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