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La llorona

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La llorona
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Dad could yo tell me a myth?
  • Ok son, this is the story of "La llorona"
  • Ok
  • First son, la llorona is a mexican myth
  • That is so creepy
  • La llorona is a specter of Latin American folkore that, according to oral tradition, is the soul in pain of a women who drowned her children
  • And that, later repentad and cursed, she looks for them at night by rivers, towns nd cities, scaring those who see or hear her at night with overwhelming crying.
  • Thw end, so good night son, bye
  • Dad could you sleep with? that myth sacre me a lot
  • JAJAJAJAJA. No, be careful with La llorona
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