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Indian Caste system

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Indian Caste system
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Indian Caste System
  • Brahmins:(Priest or Teacher)1. Highest caste2. Very royal and wealthy
  • Kshatriyas:(Framer Trader, or Merchant)1. Typically known as 'warriors'2. Known as the 'military caste' and often fight in wartimes
  • Vaishyas:(Farmer, trader, or merchants)1. Their occupation mainly consists of agriculture and taking care of cattle2. Entitled to wear a sacred thread
  • Shudras;(Manual Labor)1. Considered servats or peasants2. not allowed to enter temples
  • Untouchables:(descendants of prisoners and slaves)1. live in the slums2. Not allowed to interact with people outside of the untouchables
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