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The space travel to Kepler-186f

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The space travel to Kepler-186f
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • One day, I from NASA went to the exoplanet, Kepler-186f. It was 500 light years away. A NASA astronaut told me to go there because he thinks it looks like Earth.
  • "Now this is going to be cool!!"
  • When I landed on Kepler-186f, it looked like Earth!! I gasped in excitement, jumping everywhere. But I knew one thing: It was red. So I sighed. But the water was the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen on an exoplanet!!
  • When I landed, I told everybody that for the first time, I discovered an exoplanet that was 500 light years away.
  • Oh my gosh!!!!
  • I walked around and around, exploring everywhere. I even swam in the water! It was awesome! I walked till the bottom. I felt like I was upside down! (I though I had boots!!)
  • It was time to go home. I got inside my rocket and blasted off 500 light years away. It was so black, I could not see even a thing expect stars.
  • I explored and discovered an exoplanet!
  • Wow!
  • The end.
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