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Fundamental Rights and Duties

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Fundamental Rights and Duties
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello Rohit! Did you know that the Fundamental Rights and Duties we learnt about in class are applicable to us children ?
  • Yes Salma, the Right to Equality ensures that no discrimination can be made between you and me on the grounds of sex, religion, race, caste etc. All of us should be treated equally.
  • Rohit, this Buddhist temple is so peaceful. There are six main religions and other branches of the religions followed by us Indians.
  • The Right to Freedom of Religion ensures that all citizens are free to follow any religion of our choice.
  • But, what if I am denied my Fundamental Rights?
  • Then the Right to Constitutional Remedies enables you to go to the courts if any Fundamental Right is denied to you.
  • While the Indian Constitution has listed six Fundamental Rights to protect us , we are responsible to follow the ten Fundamental Duties.
  • Yes, one of them is to safeguard and improve our natural environment, like this beautiful park. and we should also have compassion for all living creatures.
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