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Perseus Helpers

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Perseus Helpers
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hermes
  • Flying Shoes
  • The hat
  • Without Hermes, Percy would have not have gotten that advice, and the flying sandals.
  • The three grey sisters
  • The sandals helped Percy escape Medusa's sisters. THese were crucial tools.
  • Atlals
  • Percy's helmet/hat was an important addition. It helped him defend himself.
  • Nymphs
  • Without the three grey sisters, Perseus wouldn't have know where to get to Atlas the giant.
  • Without Atlas, Percy might have gone the wrong way to get to the Nymphs, then delaying the whole adventure.
  • The Nymphs told Perseus where Medusa was. If they weren't in the story, Percy would have failed his task.
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