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story board jack hett

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story board jack hett
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • It was a normal Christmas morning .Tad was opening his presents. Soon Tad's sister Tabitha came down and she saw a small box behind the rest. She picked up the box and started opening it. She saw a dim light from inside the box. Tad saw it and went over
  • to see it. Then it started to get brighter and brighter then it turned off. She placed the box down and started opening other boxes. Later the box started making noises. 
  • Later Tabitha and Tad went through it away. Then when they came back inside they went into Tad's room to play.Then the box appeared out of nowhere onto Tad's bed.
  • Then the box started making noises again. Tad said ,"we need to get rid of this box ,"then they burned it. Later they went back to Tad's room they played for awhile.
  • Then they heard ticking like a bomb under the bed then silence BOOM!! it exploded. Everything was everywhere.
  • Tad was in a tree and Tabitha was on the neighbor's roof but the box was still there. It was possessed "Always ask befor you do.
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