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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Epic Epic Hero
  • **loud music of celebrations and cheering**
  • Grendel, a wicked monster, was made to pound in pain and rage when he heard loud music and celebration in Herot.
  • We love you King Hrothgar!!! 
  • Grendel rushed to Herot and attacked the Danes, tearing them to pieces and throwing them against the walls because he detested happiness and celebration in mankind.
  • This will be the last time you'll disturb my peace.
  • Lets hope he doesn't see us both behind here.
  • I will slay any creature that approaches you and your people, so do not be afraid.
  • Leader of the Geats and valiant warrior Beowulf arrived in Herot and informed King Hrothgar that he is prepared to fight the monster threatening his people.
  • When Grendel came again to Herot, Beowulf was there to save the day, defeating Grendel by ripping off his arm.
  • I am the greatest hero ever, you will never beat me.
  • Grendel arrived at his house bleeding, lay down until he passed away.
  • .No one will now cause harm to your land and people.
  • We succeeded. Beowulf triumphed.
  • The arm of Grendel was then hung in the wall as a symbol of Beowulf's victory. Everyone was content.
  • **victorious cheering**
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