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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Madi Pike
  • Hi, my names Madi and Im reading the book called "Untamed"
  • Text Structure - Compare & Contrast
  • "As you will learn in this book, I have loved animals all my life. When I was a child, growing up in England, I had various pets, ranging from dogs and cats to guinea pigs and hamsters" (7).
  • "A few feet away, a chicken sat on her nest. Jane had been watching her carefully, observing every move" (10).
  • Sign Post - Number and Stats
  • "On March 13, 1957, Jane Goodall embarked on her journey to Africa, traveling on the ship "Kenya Castle" (24).
  • This is me and my story
  • Mindset
  • Since, Jane grew up with animals all through out her life, she now has a connection.
  • To be an animal specialist , she had to grow up around animals.
  • Summary - Ty + Tik / SWBS
  • To show the expect date that she took here powerful journey to get her where she is now.
  • Question
  • Being around animals, she has then had an effect on there way of life.
  • adventuress - always be yourself - always take on a new challenge, even if you don't think you can succeed - heart warming - if you don't succeed, try try again
  • Ty + Tik - Having to grow up with animals set for her future.
  • SWBS - Jane wanted to go to animal school but couldn't have the money so went on an adventure instead.
  • Thanks for tagging along
  • Bye guys!
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