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An Inspector Calls.

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An Inspector Calls.
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Yes I did have an affair with that girl.
  • That was the police on the phone and they said a girl has just died from drinking disinfectant! An inspector is on his way here to question us!!!
  • Gerald admit it NOW that you had an affair with this girl! Mrs Birling did you refuse to help this pregnant girl?
  • Sheila did you complain about this girl and get her sacked from her job?
  • Eric did you get this girl pregnant?
  • Mr Birling I believe the girl worked at your factory and you later sacked her, is that true?
  • I'm the Inspector and I'm here to ask you all questions about a girl called Eva Smith.
  • Yes that is true but I refuse to take responsibility of her death.
  • Yes I did, I feel absolutely terrible now! I take full responsibility for her death!
  • Oh yes I did but I was very drunk at the time. I feel so ashamed and take responsibility for her death!
  • Oh yes I did because she introduced herself as Mrs Birling which really upset me!!
  • Inspector Goole visits the Birling residence to ask questions about the death of Eva Smith who committed suicide by drinking disinfectant.
  • It is revealed that Ms Smith worked at Arthur Birlings factory to then which he sacked her due to going on strike asking for more pay.
  • The investigator proceeds by saying that Sheila thought she made fun of her for wearing a dress which didn't suit her, causing her to get sacked.
  • Gerald confesses to the affair, coming clean to Sheila. Revealing why he was never around in the summer, Mrs Sybil Birling refused to help this helpless pregnant girl.
  • Eric Birling is asked the big question. It turns out he got Eva pregnant and that he met her under the name of Daisy Renton. Arthur feels very disappointed and wants to take responsibility for her death.
  • In curiosity, Arthur rings the hospital and in surprise, nobody under the name of Eva Smith or Daisy Renton has committed suicide, let alone anyone else. A couple of minutes later, the phone rings and it is the hospital. The attendant tells him that somebody has just passed away from drinking disinfectant and that the police are on the way for questioning. This leaves them wondering... Who is Inspector Goole?
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