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Caste System

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Caste System
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  • The ruler and Brahmin arrive here in his ancient empire, to explain a characteristic of ancient India. This characteristic is caste systems.
  • Welcome to my ancient India empire. I will explain our caste system here. Let's go over to my palace where I keep the sacred caste triangle.
  • Here is the triangle
  • The Brahmins go to his palace to show the sacred triangle of the empire's caste system. 
  • Untouchables
  • BrahminsKshatriyaVaishya Sudra
  • The Brahmin travels to different levels of the caste. He starts at the bottom with n untouchable. 
  • Now you have seen the caste system, I will explain it in more detail, follow me. 
  • They arrive at a untouchable's work area, to start off.
  • Hello, I am an untouchable as they say. As an untouchable, I am the lowest class of the caste system. I myself am poor and cannot specialize in anything while other people in my branch are also very poor or kept as slaves.
  • Hello, I am a Sudra. Although I am not the lowest in the case system, I do not get things easily also. I must work for other wealthy people in the caste system. I provide labor, and am required to follow our rulers actions and beliefs.
  • After Sudras comes me, Vaishya. Most people in my cast are skilled workers. I am a trader, but people in my caste can be landowners, farmers, traders, or other killed jobs. We have a stable and more free lifestyle. We run our jobs ourselves, not under any boss.
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