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King David

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King David
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نص القصة المصورة

  • David started off as a shepherd. He wasn't born into royalty but was destined to lead Israel.
  • David defeated Goliath in single combat. He used a sling and a rock to knock out Goliath and defeat him in battle. This happened when King Samuel was still the king of Israel.
  • David was chosen to be king by God and when King Samuel died David took his place and became the king of Israel.
  • King David was so successful, he made an empire, he conquered Jerusalem and he defeated the philistines so they would never attack Israel again.
  • But King David committed a terrible sin. He saw his best soldiers wife bathing on the rooftops and he got her pregnant.
  • King David tried to cover up his sin by assassinating his best soldier and marrying his wife. The prophet Nathan confronted King David and he immediately begged for forgiveness. 
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