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John and Sarah staying fit

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John and Sarah staying fit
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • John, before we go to the mountain again, let me warm up better my upper muscles.
  • No problem Sarah, but not forget that when we make this sport, our core is incharged of keeping all the balance of our body.
  • John, I’m very tired, doyou know why?
  • Yes, this is because snowboarding is a great cardiovascular sport which makes you burn many calories due that the body has to work harder.
  • What happened Sarah?
  • Thank you John. I realized that my mood was boosted, what strange thing JAJAJAJA.
  • Happy birthday Sarah!
  • I’m not very well Sarah because my lower muscles are hurting so much.
  • This is because snowboarding works to really strengthen muscles (especially the lower ones) that don't get a lot of exercise.
  • What happened John? Are you okey?
  • Hello Sarah! I want to invite you to do snowboarding for your birthday.
  • Definitely yes, so I see you on Saturday.
  • Hi John, I’m fine thank you. Sorry for not answering your call.
  • I’m not very well Sarah because my lower muscles are hurting so much.
  • What happened John? Are you okey
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