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The Outsiders Final Project

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The Outsiders Final Project
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • 'Meet the Gang'This is a from the first chapter. It shows the introduction of Ponyboys friends and family. It is also the first chapter where we see the rivalry between the Socs and the Greasers.
  • "They had me down in a second. They had my arms and legs pinned down and one of them was sitting on my chest with his knees on my elbows, and if you don't think that hurts, you're crazy."
  • "They came running toward us now--- four lean, hard guys. They were all as tough as nails and looked it. l had grown up with them, and they accepted me, even though I was younger"
  • 'We Didn't Start the Fire'This is from the Chapter 6. It is the scene where Pony and Johnny go into the church fire. It is also the chapter where they get taken to the hospital to get treated for their burns and other injuries.
  • "Oh, glory!" he whispered. The church was on fire! "Let's go see what the deal is," I said, hopping out. "What for?" Dally sounded irritated. "Get back in here before I beat your head in."
  • "I blinked at the stranger sitting beside me. But he wasn't a stranger... I'd seen him before... "Take it easy, kid. You're in an ambulance."
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