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Benjamin Franklin

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Benjamin Franklin
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I need to prove that electrical fire is electricity but how?
  • It was a cloudy day when Benjamin Franklin was thinking how he could prove that electrical fire and electricity are the same. When all of a sudden another inventor bursts in denying Ben's theory.
  • Electricity is not Electrical fire.
  • Eurika! I've got it!
  • he was thinking when suddenly an idea pops into his head. His wife Deborah Read Franklin comes in and puts her palm to her face.
  • Oh Ben what am I going to do with you?
  • Are you sure this is a good idea?
  • Ben Franklin attached his kite with a key to conduct electricity even though his wife wasn't so confident it was.
  •  Of course not Deborah! Its Working!
  • I should get going home, I need to cook dinner.
  • Deborah was heading home to cook their dinner, when suddenly Benjamin's kite caught on fire.
  • Oh No! odd bodkins!
  • Jesus Christ Ben! I need to get the physician! 
  • Benjamin Franklin got electrocuted his wife Deborah was on her way to call the physician.
  • AAHHH!!!
  • That day Ben Franklin had proved that electricity was electrical fire. Even though he ended up in the hospital!?
  • I guess electrical fire is electricity!
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