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Rosa Parks

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Rosa Parks
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • My name is Rosa Parks and I was born in Febuary 4,1913 and I was born in Tuskegee,Alabama.And this is how the blacks bathrooms looked in this town this is how we were treated.
  • This is how the white rulers treated us we had to slave and clean for them.
  • No I don't care if I'm black we need to get treated right.
  • What are you doing you are supposed to be in the back.
  • Get in the back now you black.
  • Now I'm in jail all because of defending unequal rights and rights for blacks.But we still have to fight for blacks and overcome challenges or obstacles.
  • You deserve to stay in jail you black because you love breaking rules to have equal rights for blacks well you will love to stay behind bars
  • Blacks need equal rights just because Im in jail now doesnt mean I still wont fight for blacks I will get out and overcome all of you
  • We need equal rights and we need them now and our great leader here Rosa Parks overcame some challenges for us
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