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Othello Ending

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Othello Ending
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I just mean it's incredible how it discusses racism and how people were judged based on the color of their skin.
  • Othello was so ahead of its time.
  • What do you mean by that?
  • No! Not at all! What Shakespeare does is he shows how Othello was manipulated by Iago, a white venetian man and only then did he meet the stereotypes of what they had expected "the Moor" to be like.
  • I'm going to be honest, I feel like Shakespeare portrays Othello to be a bad guy... Doesn't he end up killing himself because he knows he's a bad person?
  • The Venetians during that time had set stereotypes for "the Moor". They expected him to be violent, irrational, and unintelligent; simply because he wasn't a white man. You even see how it talks about Othello being manipulated to meet these stereotypes when Lodovico says, "O thou Othello, thou was once so good, fall'n in the practice of a cursed slave." (Act 5, Scene 2, lines 304-305). This shows that although he was portrayed as a violent man, that was not at all who he was and at the end of the play the other Venetians realized this.
  • What do you mean the Othello meets the stereotypes?
  • It's pretty incredible right! I bet he shocked his audience by having an African man be civil, intelligent, and loving during a time when they were discriminated against. I think it's safe to say that he used his platform in order to speak out against racism.
  • Wow! I never considered the fact that Shakespeare might of strategically used racism in his plays in order to show that people of color, were not to be feared or discriminated against.
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