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Poe Emulation Comic

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Poe Emulation Comic
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Rodger is taking a long break from life, and his problems. He escaped to the river, where he was as relaxed as a sloth.
  • Rodger feels a prescense like its creeping up his back, he becomes anxious so he decided to take a walk
  • Rodger found a nice spot for the sun-set, where the sun felt like a warm blanket, but theres a strange broken rope thats hanging from a tree, with blood dripping down from it. Rodger still feels like someones watching him.
  • Your worst nightmare
  • AHH! excuse me sir who are you !
  • HAHA!
  • Welcome to my collection, Rodger. Are you Satisfied ?
  • I am, thank you my love, they look as tasty as a cake.
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة