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Abigail Adams

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Abigail Adams
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Abigail Smith was born 1744 to Elizabeth and William Smith
  • Abigail marriedJohn Adams in October 24, 1764
  • They eventually had 6 kids
  • She wanted women to have the same liberties as men
  • Abigail asked the Founding Fathers to "remember the ladies" while at the Continental Congress
  • Abigail stood up for what she believed in. She went against slavery and was one of the first feminists in the U.S.
  • Women's rights.. education...
  • Abigail was her husband's main advisor during his presidency
  • A book was eventually made about Abigail called "Remember the Ladies", quoting her famous letter to her husband asking for women's independence.
  • Women should not be owned by men
  • Birth Date: November 22, 1744Death Date: October 28, 1818
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